How to use

Initial configuration

Before using CWL-airflow it should be configured with cwl-airflow init

$ cwl-airflow init --help

usage: cwl-airflow init [-h] [--home HOME] [--config CONFIG] [--upgrade]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --home HOME      Set path to Airflow home directory. Default: first try
                   AIRFLOW_HOME then '~/airflow'
  --config CONFIG  Set path to Airflow configuration file. Default: first try
                   AIRFLOW_CONFIG then '[airflow home]/airflow.cfg'
  --upgrade        Upgrade old CWLDAG files to the latest format. Default:

Init command will run the following steps for the specified --home and --config parameters:

  • Call airflow --help to create a default airflow.cfg

  • Update airflow.cfg to hide paused DAGs, skip loading example DAGs and connections and do not pause newly created DAGs. Also, we set our custom logging_config_class to split Airflow and CWL related logs into the separate files. In case of upgrading from the previous version of CWL-Airflow that used Airflow < 2.0.0 to the latest one, airflow.cfg will be backuped and upgraded to fit Airflow 2.1.4. You will have to manually make sure that all custom fields were properly copied to the new airflow.cfg

  • Call airflow db init to init/upgrade Airflow metadata database.

  • If run with --upgrade, upgrade old CWLDAGs to correspond to the latest format, save original CWLDAGs into deprecated_dags folder.

  • Put into the DAGs folder.

Updating airflow.cfg

For precise configuration the [cwl] section can be added to airflow.cfg. All of the parameters descibed below are optional and will take their default values if not provided.

If job already included absolute paths for tmp_folder and outputs_folder the corresponent parameters from airflow.cfg will be ignored.

In other situation, for example when running CWL-Airflow with docker-compose, one may need to set the exact locations for tmp, outputs, inputs and pickle folders to allow their proper mounting to Docker container.

Also, following the abovementioned scenario, all input files required for workflow execution might be placed into inputs_folder. At the same time, when using relative locations in the job file, all paths will be resolved based on the same inputs_folder. For additional details refer to Running CWL-Airflow with docker-compose section.


# Temp folder to keep intermediate workflow execution data.
# Ignored if job already has tmp_folder set as absolute path.
# If job has tmp_folder set as a relative path, it will be resolved based on this location.
# Default: AIRFLOW_HOME/cwl_tmp_folder
tmp_folder =

# Output folder to save workflow execution results.
# Ignored if job already has outputs_folder set as absolute path.
# If job has outputs_folder set as a relative path, it will be resolved based on this location.
# Default: AIRFLOW_HOME/cwl_outputs_folder
outputs_folder = 

# Folder to keep input files.
# If job has relative paths for input files they will be resolved based on this location.
# Default: AIRFLOW_HOME/cwl_inputs_folder
inputs_folder =

# Folder to keep pickled workflows for fast workflow loading.
# Default: AIRFLOW_HOME/cwl_pickle_folder
pickle_folder = 

# Boolean parameter to force using docker for workflow step execution.
# Default: True
use_container = 

# Boolean parameter to disable passing the current user id to "docker run --user".
# Default: False
no_match_user = 

Adding a pipeline

Set absolute path to the workflow file

The easiest way to add a new pipeline to CWL-airflow is to put the following python script into your DAGs folder. Here, workflow parameter is initialized with the absolute path to the CWL workflow file.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cwl_airflow.extensions.cwldag import CWLDAG
dag = CWLDAG(

As CWLDAG class was inherited from Airflow’s DAG, additional arguments, such as default_args, can be provided when calling class constructor.

default_args can also include cwl section similar to the one from airflow.cfg file described in Updating airflow.cfg section. However, parameters from airflow.cfg will always have higher priority compared to those that were passed in constructor.

Use zlib compressed workflow file content

Alternatively to file location, the value of workflow parameter can be initialized with base64 encoded zlib compressed file content. Below is an example of script generating compressed workflow content.

from cwl_airflow.utilities.helpers import get_compressed
with open("workflow.cwl", "r") as input_stream:

Note, to add a new pipeline one can also use POST to /dags API endpoing. For additional details refer to Using an API section.

A new pipeline can be run after Airflow Scheduler loads new DAG (by default if happens every 5 minutes).

Executing a pipeline

Using Airflow UI

The most convenient way to manually execute DAG is to trigger it from Airflow UI. Input parameters can be set in the job section of the DAG run configuration as in the example below.

../_images/trigger_1.jpg ../_images/trigger_2.jpg

Using Airflow CLI

Alternatively, DAGs can be triggered through the Airflow CLI with the JSON input paramerers file.

$ airflow trigger_dag --conf "{\"job\":$(cat ./bam-bedgraph-bigwig.json)}" bam-bedgraph-bigwig

Note, to trigger workflow execution one can also use POST to /dag_runs API endpoing. For additional details refer to Using an API section.

Posting pipeline execution progress, statistics and results

To make CWL-Airflow post workflow executions progress, statistics and results process_report connection should be added. Parameters can be adjusted based on the current needs following the example below.

$ airflow connections add process_report --conn-type http --conn-host localhost --conn-port 3070

In case CWL-Airflow failed to POST progress updates or workflow execution results, the corresponded records with the prefixes post_progress__ and post_results__ will be added to the Airflow Variables. Later, when CWL-Airlfow API run with --replay N argument, it will attemt to resend not delivered messages every N seconds. Workflow execution statistics is sent as part of the progress report at the end of the pipeline execution regardless of whether it finished with success or failure. If progress report is sent from the task, the statistics will be set to “”.

On the example below, the workflow execution statistics includes total section with the start_date in isoformat. This timestamp will be used as a reference point for all other start_date and end_date fields which are represented in seconds.milliseconds format. All tmp_folder_size and outputs_folder_size are in kBytes.

  'state': 'success',
  'dag_id': 'star-index',
  'run_id': 'ba46dd51-9c7d-4f92-adc5-503a812ddb6d',
  'progress': 100,
    'version': '1.0',
      'tmp_folder_size': 3080904,
      'outputs_folder_size': 1538044,
      'start_date': '2021-01-28T20:55:03.258202+00:00',
      'end_date': 60.715
        'tmp_folder_size': 4,
        'start_date': 2.69,
        'end_date': 6.96
        'tmp_folder_size': 0,
        'start_date': 56.534,
        'end_date': 58.718
        'tmp_folder_size': 3080900,
        'start_date': 10.657,
        'end_date': 52.23
  'error': '',
  'logs': ''

Using an API

Besides built-in experimental API from the Airflow Webserver, CWL-airflow provides extended API that supports WES and can be run with cwl-airflow api

$ cwl-airflow api --help

usage: cwl-airflow api [-h] [--port PORT] [--host HOST]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --port PORT  Set port to run API server. Default: 8081
  --host HOST  Set host to run API server. Default:
  --simulation SIMULATION
               Set path to the test suite file to simulate reports.
               Pipelines won't get triggered in this mode.
  --replay     REPLAY
               Retries to post undelivered progress and results reports to
               the process_report connection every N seconds. If connection
               is not set this parameter is ignored.
               Default: do not resend not delivered reports.

Although, detailed API specification available on SwaggerHub, here we provide the most commonly used endpoints.

1. Get list of dags

GET /dags


Name In Type Required Description
dag_ids query array[string] false Dag identifiers

Response example:

  "dags": [
      "dag_id": "string",
      "tasks": [

2. Create new dag

POST /dags


Name In Type Required Description
dag_id query string false Dag identifier
body body object false none
workflow body string(binary) false CWL workflow file with embedded tools and all other dependencies
workflow_content body string false base64 encoded zlib compressed workflow content

Response example:

  "dag_id": "string",
  "dag_path": "string",
  "cwl_path": "string"

3. Get list of dag_runs

GET /dag_runs


Name In Type Required Description
dag_id query string false Dag identifier
run_id query string false Run identifier
execution_date query string(date-time) false Execution date
state query string false Dag run state

Enumerated values:

Parameter Value
state running
state success
state failed

Response example:

  "dag_runs": [
      "dag_id": "string",
      "run_id": "string",
      "execution_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "state": "running",
      "tasks": [
          "id": "string",
          "state": "scheduled"
      "progress": 0

4. Trigger dag

POST /dag_runs


Name In Type Required Description
dag_id query string true Dag identifier
run_id query string false Run identifier
conf query string false Run configuration (JSON-formatted string)

Response example:

  "dag_id": "string",
  "run_id": "string",
  "execution_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "start_date": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  "state": "running"

Running CWL-Airflow with docker-compose

To start CWL-Airflow with LocalExecutor using docker-compose, run the following commands

cd ./packaging/docker_compose/local_executor
docker-compose up --build

Default values for mount volumes, mapped ports and other configurations can be found .env file in the same folder.