

Ubuntu 16.04.4 (Xenial Xerus)

  • python 2.7 or 3.5 (tested on the system Python 2.7.12 and 3.5.2)

  • docker (follow the link to install Docker on Ubuntu)

    Don’t forget to add your user to the docker group and then to log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.

  • python-dev (or python3-dev if using Python 3.5)

    sudo apt-get install python-dev # python3-dev

    python-dev is required in case your system needs to compile some python packages during the installation. We have built python wheels for most of such packages and provided them through –find-links argument while installing cwl-airflow. Nevertheless in case of installation problems you might still be required to install this dependency.

macOS 10.13.5 (High Sierra)

  • python 2.7 or 3.6 (tested on the system Python 2.7.10 and brewed Python 2.7.15 / 3.6.5; 3.7.0 is not supported)

  • docker (follow the link to install Docker on Mac)

  • Apple Command Line Tools

    xcode-select --install

    Click Install on the pop up window when it appears, follow the instructions. Apple Command Line Tools are required in case your system needs to compile some python packages during the installation. We have built python wheels for most of such packages and provided them through –find-links argument while installing cwl-airflow. Nevertheless in case of installation problems you might still be required to install this dependency.

Both Ubuntu and macOS

  • pip (follow the link to install the latest stable Pip)

    Consider using --user if you encounter permission problems

  • setuptools (tested on setuptools 40.0.0)

    pip install -U setuptools # --user

    --user - optional parameter to install all the packages into your HOME directory instead of the system Python directories. It will be helpful if you don’t have enough permissions to install new Python packages. You might also need to update your PATH variable in order to have access to the installed packages (an easy way to do it is described in Troubleshooting section). If installing on macOS brewed Python --user should not be used (explained here)

Install cwl-airflow

$ pip install cwl-airflow==1.0.16 --find-links # --user

--find-links - using pre-compiled wheels from Cwl-Airflow-Wheels repository allows to avoid installing Xcode for macOS users and python[3]-dev for Ubuntu users